

It's about time to tell you what we have done here in China so far.

We got here, after almost a 30 hour trip because of delays in Moscow. Since we were delayed we missed the bus that would take us straight to Nantong, and because we had three HUGE bags plus our cabin bags we had to take a taxi. The trip from the airport to Nantong is normally about 1,5 hours with a car, however it took us a bit longer...

Our first taste of chinese air

The guy who picked us up didn't speak a word of english, and had a car about the size of a peanut, with Tom and Jerry painted on the side. Getting our bags in the car was like a giant game of tetris. During the ride he jabbered on in chinese (we answered in swedish which made him look really happy), drank cupious amounts of tea and stopped at every intersection to look at the signs. Despite that last precaution ha added about ten km to our trip with every turn. We thought we would never reach our destination. Thankfully, after about two and a half hours we got to our place and even got help carrying our bags up the six flights of stairs. We see the driver at the gates to our neighbourhood sometimes and he always looks really happy to see us. Now that we know we made it here alive, we're really glad to see him too! 

For the last days we've just been learning how things work at Yabroad and started working on structuring our thesis. We've been to dinner and to the gym with the people we work with, and so far everyone's been really nice! 

Lunch in the park outside the office

1 kommentarer

Annie B

06 Mar 2013 16:09

Underbart att läsa er blogg!!

Nyttigt och lärorikt förstår jag!! :)
Kram till er båda


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